Summary contributions of Measuring CCS' Hackathon

Summary contributions of Measuring CCS' Hackathon
Measuring the Cultural and Creative Sectors

The pilot project "Measuring the Cultural and Creative Sectors EU" released the summary contributions resulting from the Hackathon they held in November in which our colleague Pau Rausell participated as a member of the research board. 

This Hackathon represented a tool that allowed Measuring CCS researchers and collaborators to have an open consultative space between the definition and engagement of sources and the research processes that allowed external stakeholders to interact strategically to explore relevant options, collaborations, datasets and topics.

From the summary, we can see a shared concern with MESOC of capturing the social dimension of culture addressed here about the digital cultural services. 

Interesting considerations are also raised regarding the sources, data and methodologies to explore.

The summary is available on the Measuring CCS website.