LEAP project
Health and Well-Being
Survey-style laboratory

The LEAP initiative (Interdisciplinary study -on young people's needs and opportunities assessment in Cluj-Napoca) is carried out by a local consortium made of the local university and two NGOs, with the financial support from a private foundation. The LEAP project was implemented by a multidisciplinary consortium-consisting in: Department of Public Health  Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences, Babeș-Bolyai University; Department of Political Sciences- Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences, Babeș-Bolyai University; PONT Group (Youth NGO) and Cluj Cultural Centre (cultural NGO), endorsed by the local administration. The objective of LEAP has been to conduct a comprehensive, multi- and interdisciplinary assessment of the needs and opportunities for young people in the Cluj Metropolitan Area, guided by an ecosystem view and oriented towards future initiatives stemming from the results of the assessment.

The resulting report summarizes a compendium of knowledge on the needs of children and youth in the Cluj Metropolitan Area, as resulted from stakeholder mapping, qualitative and quantitative research and stakeholder consultations, as well as policy recommendations which could be implemented in order to address the identified challenges. To facilitate implementation, they grouped them in four main domains: health, learning, agency and environment.

The assessment was carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting how important well-being is for us all – the more so for children and youth. The report presents actionable items, in the form of policy proposals, activities and initiatives. This work aims to contribute to advancing the OurCluj initiative, to support and promote the contribution that an active, engaged, and empowered youth will have for the Cluj Metropolitan Area in the coming months and years.

Main results and impacts produced by the initiative on the selected MESOC crossover themes

The report includes an assessment of needs, opportunities of youth in Cluj Metropolitan Area, an identification and analysis of systemic gaps that impact youth well-being and a list of policy and action recommendations.

Policy recommendations include - cultural prescriptions, free, equal and equitable access to culture, cultural education, the need to establish youth centres with a relevant cultural offer (among other services).

The Our Cluj initiative, stirred by Fondation Botnar, is a local coalition of key actors in the field of youth (schools, universities, local administration, public institutions, NGOs, youth NGOS etc) willing to work together to optimise the work for the youth sector, on a longer term perspective 2019-2030. 

Other relevant impacts

The document currently informs other local strategies: the Strategy for Urban Development 2021-2030, the Strategy for Digital Transformation, the work plan of the newly established Education Cluster in the City, the work for the newly established Cluj School Network and Qub Education space encourages the cross-sector partnerships.